Adobe UXP: Things you need to know! #8 BatchPlay (part 3): the Alchemist plugin as an Inspector

In this episode I inspect the various Photoshop app’s BatchPlay objects with the Alchemist plugin. BatchPlay has been the subject of a three-parts mini-series, of which this is the third and last one.

Download the Alchemist plugin by Jaroslav Bereza here 🍺.

If you find this content useful, please consider supporting me – 2020 is a hell of a year. I don’t have a Patreon page, but I’ve got two fairly cheap plugins on the Photoshop Marketplace, ALCE (Advanced Local Contrast Enhancer) and Double USM (on sharpening). If you happen to buy them, please leave a positive rating/review, it would greatly help. Or, you can

If you cannot, or don’t want to, that’s OK anyway.
Stay safe and thanks! 🙏🏻

The whole series so far


The transcripted video looks weird, but I’m told it helps to have it anyway because it’s easier to translate to other languages. Apologies for the lack of punctuation and the sloppy syntax.

To be added soon