
A minimal blog theme for Jekyll

by Georgi Kalaydzhiev


I assume you have already downloaded and installed Ruby. Here's what you need to do next:

  1. Run gem install jekyll bundler.
  2. Copy the theme in your desired folder.
  3. Enter into the folder by executing cd name-of-the-folder.
  4. Run bundle install.
  5. If you want to access and customize the theme, use bundle exec jekyll serve. This way it will be accessible on http://localhost:4000.
  6. Upload the content of the compiled _site folder on your host server.

Configuration & First Steps

All configuration options are in the _config.yml file.

General Settings

Important Note: Keep in mind that name, job_title, twitter_handler and some of the post specific variables are used as default meta data in some cases.

Social Accounts

Important: Do not change the names of the social networks!

Modules Settings

One thing to remember - 1 is on, 0 is off.



These options are pretty important, so take a closer look. If you experience any problems with your paths you should check them here.




Important Note: Pagination is currently working only on home page due to Jekyll limitations.


Assets Settings

If you need extra help, just check out the official Jekyll documentation.

Additional Configuration

Adding Post

The next thing after you are done with the configuration file is to add your first post. You will need to have at least basic knowledge of HTML or Markdown.

All you need to do is to create a new file with name YYYY-MM-DD-my-first-post and .markdown or .md extension. Create it in the _posts folder. By default the name of the file is composed by date and title but you can overwrite these in the post's front matter.

In the beginning of the every post you have a so called front matter block which contains some data about the post. Here is the short description of the options.

layout: The post layout.

date: Exact date when the post is published. The date is actually pretty important and I suggest you never change it. Specific date helps Jekyll to order correctly all the posts. Also, the date is used to generate a unique ID, so Disqus can always get the right comments for the right post, even when you change the title.

title: Post's title.

description: Meta description used for better SEO.

comments: By default they are always true, but if you want to turn them off for a specific post just set this to false.

category: List the categories in which you want your post to appear.

tags: List your tags here.

Adding Page

Adding page is even simpler than adding post. Just create a sub-folder to the pages directory and inside that sub-folder create file. The folder name is your page name. Every folder must contain index file. Pages are also using front matter to add information to your page.

layout: The page layout.

title: Page's title.

permalink: This is important. If you do not enter the permalink, your url will be something like this Enter the permalink and get rid of /_pages/ part. Do not forget the trailing slash!

That's it! Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Also you can send me feature requests. There are some nice features that are planed for the upcoming versions. Happy blogging!