Give a fresh breath to your Black & White conversions with Vitamin BW, a script for Photoshop CC / CS6 featuring Smart Contrast Enhancement, Toning and BW Color Filters!

At a glance
Vitamin BW idea is to give you few but powerful options for Black & White conversion in three main areas - Contrast, Toning and BW Color Filters.
Smart Contrast Enhancement
Vitamin BW features a very effective routine to boost the 3D look of your images: you can choose from the Default parameter, or Boost (for a bit of extra punch).
Besides the default Neutral option, you can have a Cool and Warm toning, or an extra Mixed version which uses the Cool tone in the Shadows and Warm in the Highlights. The toning is on a separate layer that you can always switch on/off, or lower/raise its opacity for a milder/stronger effect.
BW Color Filters
Way way back in time, thousands of years ago, people of my age used to shoot BW film putting some colored glass in front of the lens, like Yellow, Orange, Red, Green or Blue filters. We read in papyrus rolls that this way some light’s wavelengths were blocked: provided you knew your Egyptian, light theory and remember to bring filters with you in the field, you sometimes ended up with better pictures using the right filter on the right subject.
The following chart comes from PhotographyMad (which features an introductory tutorial on Color Filters for Black & White):
How much?
VitaminBW 1.0 by Davide Barranca is for sale on CC-Extensions for about €26.00 / $34.95 (fluctuations due to the currency change) and by now is a script for Photoshop CC, CS6 (either Perpetual or Subscription), on both Mac and Windows.
User Manual
See this post for examples and more detailed descriptions!